The CZWKA is very pleased to announce an exciting Technical Seminar this May in Vancouver B.C. at the Hollyburn Country Club.  Special guest Jimmy Harte – 6th Dan, from Dublin Ireland, will guide all participants through challenging training sessions that will help to improve your skills and increase the likelihood of passing Dan examinations.

May 3 – 5
Friday May  3:        6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday May 4:  10 am – 12 noon – 1 – 3 pm
Sunday May 5:     10 am – 12 noon
Dan examination
Sunday 5  May      1 – 3 pm
Cost                                                               $CDN
Any one class                                                        50
Any two classes                                                    90
Any three classes                                                120
All  four classes                                                    140
Dan examination                                                100
Dan certification

Shodan                                                                 120

Nidan                                                                     140
Sandan                                                                 160
JKF Wado Kai Membership card                       40
CZWKA Passport                                                   20

Karate Studio
Hollyburn Country Club,
950 Cross Creek Road, West Vancouver, BC V7S 2S5
Tel: 604 922 0161   
More information: Tel: 604 512 5671
Please send participation fees by Interac/E transfer before 3 May to:  Canada Zenkuren Wado Karate Association
Payments concerns – Contact: