Reisky Martial Arts and Fitness is once again offering a great opportunity to train and learn from a world-class athlete. Kiyou Shimizu, one of the top female kata athletes in the world, is coming to Vancouver in March 2024 to conduct an all-styles kata seminar. Ms. Shimizu is an Olympic Silver Medallist, 3-time Asian Games Champion, 2-time World Karate Champion, and a World Games Champion. This seminar is open to all styles of karate. Kiyou will be teaching drills and techniques that will improve kata performance. Whether you are preparing for the next tournament such as Karate BC’s Provincials in April, the National Championships in July, or trying out for the Provincial Team, this is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of high-caliber kata training. The highlight of the seminar is on the second day. Participants will have the opportunity to perform a kata in front of Kiyou and receive feedback. However, registration for the second day is limited.
- KimNik Karate Academy Dojo
- Unit # 110, 9347 200A Street, Langley, BC
Day 1: March 16, 2024, Saturday
- 9:00 am to 11:30 am – Beginner / Intermediate Session
- open to participants 7 years and older
- 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm – Advanced / Elite Session
- open to Provincial / State / National / Competitive athletes 10 years and older
Day 2: March 17, 2024, Sunday
- 9:00 am to 11:30 am – Targeted Session / One-on-One Feedback
- open to competitive athletes 10 years and older – limited registration
Online Registration: click HERE
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please email