2.09 Volunteers

Section No. 2.00: ORGANIZATIONAL Policy No. 2.09: Volunteers Page 1 of 1 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA involves volunteers to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization and to operate activities and events. PROCEDURES As a volunteer-based organization, every effort will be made to recruit volunteers with a wide range of skills

2.08 Information Technology

Section No. 2.00: ORGANIZATIONAL Policy No. 2.08: Information TechnologyPage 1 of 1Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA is committed to providing members with computer information technology systems to meet their needs. The organization will ensure that electronic information is handled in accordance with all regulations and legal guidelines pertaining to confidentiality and data security.

2.07 Communication with Media

Section No. 2.00: ORGANIZATONAL Policy No. 2.07: Communication with Media Page 1 of 1 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY Public statements and marketing communications will be approved by the Board of Directors. PROCEDURES The Board of Directors will approve all public statements in a manner that protects the integrity of the organization and its

2.06 Communication

Section No. 2.00: ORGANIZATIONAL Policy No. 2.06: Communication Page 1 of 2 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA will maintain communications within the organization to keep all members and stakeholders up to date. All files and records will be held secure and confidential. PROCEDURES CZWKA will maintain communications within the organization to keep all

2.05 Privacy of Information

Section No. 2.00: ORGANIZATIONAL Policy No. 2.05: Privacy of Information Page 1 of 4 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY All members of CZWKA will comply with the provisions for maintaining confidentiality of information. PROCEDURES The CZKWA Board of Directors will protect the personal information of its members with appropriate security safeguards. These will include

2.04 Risk Management

Section No. 2.00: ORGANIZATIONAL Policy No. 2.04: Risk Management Page 1 of 2 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA will strive to minimize risk at all times through risk assessment and planning. Safety will be a priority for all CZWKA member clubs and organizational sponsored events and activities. PROCEDURES CZWKA will ensure that measures

2.03 Mission Statement

CZWKA Strategic Plan Board Approval Date: April 21, 2024 Effective Dates: March 2023 to March 2026 Vision Statement Canada Zenkuren Wadokai Association (CZWKA) is the premier JKF Wado Kai organization in Canada and is recognized for providing the Highest Quality of Technical Training/Support, Products and Solutions to all of its members. Mission Statement The CZWKA

2.02 Organizational Structure

Section No. 2.00: ORGANIZATIONAL Policy No. 2.02: Organizational Structure Page 1 of 1 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY The CZWKA organization comprises an elected Board of Directors, club instructors and members. Ad hoc standing committees may be formed by the Board of Directors comprising board members and volunteers for activities and events. PROCEDURES Organizational

2.01 Mandate

Section No. 2.00: ORGANIZATIONAL Policy No. 2.01: Mandate Page 1 of 2 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA is a non-for-profit society registered with Corporations Canada by Letters Patent (1998) and governed by its constitution, by-laws policies and the Societies Act. PROCEDURES CZWKA is the national governing body for Wado Kai Karate in Canada

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