Dan Requirements

Dan Requirements

Dan Exams


  • Shodan: 1st Kyu
  • Nidan: Shodan
  • Sandan: Nidan
  • Yondan: Sandan
  • Godan: Yondan

*Junior ranks up to and including 3 dan: Age up to 15 years. All adult ranks are from age 16 years. *When a junior dan holder turns 16 years old, they may ask the Canada Wadokai to send a notice to the Tokyo Wadokai office to update their age to adult on their dan rank membership file so that they can challenge the adult dan rank above their current junior dan rank. (fee 3000yen)


  • Kihon: Junzuki, Kette junzuki, Junzuki no tsukkomi, Kette junzuki no tsukkomi, Gyakuzuki, Kette Gyakuzuki, Gyakuzuki no tsukkomi, Kette gyakuzuki no tsukkomi, Tobikomizuki, Tobikomi Nagashizuki, Maegeri, Mawashigeri, Sokutogeri **
  • Shitei (mandatory) Kata (two): Pinan, Yondan & Kushanku
  • Tokui (your choice) Kata (one): Seishan, Chinto, Naihanchi, Bassai, Wanshu
  • Kihon Kumite: 1, 2
  • Jissai Kumite

**Subject to time limitations.
These are guidelines and may be subject to change.


All requirements of shodan but substitute the following:

  • Shitei Kata (two): Pinan Godan & Naihanchi
  • Tokui Kata (one): Seishan, Chinto, Kushanku, Bassai, Wanshu
  • Kihon Kumite: 1, 2 and 3
  • Jissai Kumite


All requirements of shodan but substitute the following:

  • Shitei Kata (two): Kushanku and Seishan or Chinto
  • Tokui Kata (one): Seishan, Chinto, Naihanchi, Bassai, Wanshu, Niseishi
  • Kihon Kumite: 1, 4, 5
  • Jissai Kumite


All requirements of shodan but substitute the following:

  • Shitei Kata (two): Seishan and Chinto
  • Tokui Kata (one): Kushanku, Naihanchi, Bassai, Wanshu, Niseishi, Jitte, Jion, Rohai
  • Kihon Kumite: 1, 5, 6, 7
  • Jissai Kumite


All requirements of shodan but substitute the following:

  • Shitei Kata (two): Chinto and Seishan
  • Tokui Kata (one): Kushanku,
  • Naihanchi, Bassai, Wanshu, Niseishi, Jitte, Jion, Rohai
  • Kihon Kumite: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9  


3rd Kyu

Instructors Exam (the higher exams of 2nd & 1st are held in Japan)

Prerequisite: Sandan or higher

  • Kihon: Tobikomizuki, Tobikomi Nagashizuki
  • Shitei Kata (one): Seishan or Chinto
  • Tokui Kata (one): Seishan, Chinto, Naihanchi, Kushanku, Bassai, Wanshu, Jitte, Jion, Rohai
  • Kihon Kumite (five even or odd): 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • Jissai Kumite


These exams are normally offered by the JKF Wadokai Central Technical Committee once or twice a year in Japan.  Requirements for reference only

  • Ido Kihon Tobikomizuki, Tobikomi Nagashizuki
  • Kihon Kumite 2 from 1-10 series
  • Perform with partner also challenging the same exam
  • Either the Technical Committee or the two participants choose which 2 to perform
  • Shitei Kata Seishan or Chinto
  • Perform 1 kata from the shitei list before performing 1 Tokui kata
  • Tokui Kata Seishan, Chinto, Kushanku, Naihanchi, Niseishi, Wanshu, Bassai, Jitte, Jion, Rohai
  • Perform 1 kata from the Tokui list after performing 1 Shitei kata
  • Prerequisites Rokudan: 35yrs or older & godan for over 3 years
  • Shichidan: 40yrs or older & rokudan over 5 years
  • Hachidan: 50yrs or older & shichidan over 7 years