1.06 Bank Accounts

Section No. 1.00: GOVERNANCE Policy No. 1.06: Bank Accounts Page 1 of 1 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY Cash flow in the operational budgets will be managed through reconciliation of bank accounts. PROCEDURES The President and Treasurer approves the establishment of bank accounts. The President and Treasurer will have signing authority for the account

1.05 Financial Planning, Annual Audit, Budget and Investments

Section No. 1.00: GOVERNANCE Policy No. 1.05: Financial Planning, Annual Budget and Investments Page 1 of 2 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY Financial planning for the fiscal year or the remaining part of any fiscal year shall reflect the desired outcomes of the Board regarding priorities derived from the Strategic Plan. An annual budget

1.04 Signing Authority

Section No. 1.00: GOVERNANCE Policy No. 1.04: Signing Authority Page 1 of 2 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA will establish a signing authority that will delineate an approval process to sign documents or cheques on behalf of the organization. PROCEDURES The President together with the Treasurer have the authority to authorize capital expenditures

1.03 Board of Directors Code of Conduct

Section No. 1.00: GOVERNANCE Policy No. 1.03: Board of Directors Code of Ethical Conduct Page 1 of 2 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY The Board of Directors commits to ethical, professional and lawful conduct, including the proper use of authority and appropriate behavior when acting as members. PROCEDURES Board members must make decisions based

1.01 Board of Directors

Section No. 1.00: GOVERNANCE Policy No. 1.01: Board of Directors Page 1 of 3 Position Descriptions and Legal Requirements Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY Canada Zenkuren Wado Karate Association (CZWKA) operates in accordance with its constitution and Bylaws under the Societies Act through a governance model implemented by an elected volunteer Board of Directors.

1.02 Policy Manual Board Meetings and Minutes

Section No. 1.00: GOVERNANCE Policy No. 1.02: Policy Manual Page 1 of 2 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA will maintain a Policy and Procedures Manual that codifies the policies and procedures of CZWKA and is accessible, readable and amendable to all members. PROCEDURES Approval/Amendment Process CZWKA members can suggest new policies/procedures and/or revisions

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