3.08 Equity and Access

Section No. 3.00: MEMBERSHIP Policy No. 3.08: Equity and Access Page 1 of 1 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA will ensure that equity is a key consideration when developing, updating or delivering programs, policies and projects to ensure equal access for all members. PROCEDURES CZWKA will not discriminate against any member based on

3.07 Dispute Resolution

Section No. 3.00: MEMBERSHIP Policy No: 3.07 Dispute Resolution Page 1 of 4 Approval Date: Revised: POLICY CZWKA will provide a procedure for the effective resolution of disputes in a timely manner. PROCEDURES A Dispute Resolution Working Group comprising the Board of Directors and/or designated specialists will oversee and manage complaints and disputes related to

3.06 Harassment and Bullying.

Section 3.00: MEMBERSHIP Policy No. 3.06: Harassment and Bullying Approval Date: July 4, 2021 Final: July 2021 POLICY STATEMENT CZWKA is committed to promoting an environment in which all members are treated with dignity and respect, free from harassment and bullying. Facilitating a safe environment is the collective responsibility of all individuals. This Policy sets

3.05 Criminal Records Check

Section No. 3.00: MEMBERSHIP Policy No: 3.05: Criminal Records Check Page 1 of 2 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY All instructors of Canadian Zenkuren Wado Karate Association (CZWKA) will undergo a thorough vulnerable sector, background and criminal records search by an authorized organization. The Membership Director or designate, will review the information and will

3.04 Code of Ethical Conduct

Section No. 3.00: MEMBERSHIP Policy No. 3.04: Code of Ethical Conduct Page 1 of 4 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY The CZWKA Code of Conduct will govern behavior and relationships between instructors and students, officials and athletes, coaches and athletes and officials and coaches. PROCEDURES CZWKA is committed to providing a sport environment that

3.03 Member Registration

Section No. 3.00: MEMBERSHIP Policy No. 3.03: Member Registration Page 1 of 1 Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: January 2022 POLICY All members of all CZWKA will be required to register their club memberships and pay annual dues to the association. PROCEDURES The Membership Director sends annual membership renewal notices and information electronically, accepting and

3.02 Member Services

Section No. 3.00: MEMBERSHIP Policy No. 3.02: Member Services Page 1 of 3   Approval Date: June 2020 Revised: POLICY CZWKA will provide its members with standards, support and opportunities to enhance growth, development and safety in all facets of Wado Karate. PROCEDURES CZWKA will provide access to a range of nationwide Wado-related programs, services

3.01 Member Application

  Section No. 3.00: MEMBERSHIP Policy No. 3.01: Member Application Page 1 of 5   Approval Date: Revised: POLICYMembership to CZWKA is open to all clubs who practice Wado Karate defined as a martial art of Japanese origin according to the vision of the JKF WADO KAI and CZWKA bylaws under the BCSocieties Act. Clubs

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